Does it really matter if we eat just before bed time ? Is there any science that backs up the fact eating a big meal and then passing out an hour later is bad ???
Does it really matter if we eat just before bed time ? Is there any science that backs up the fact eating a big meal and then passing out an hour later is bad ???
A good meal before bed can actually improve sleep. If your insulin levels are low it can put stress on the body to make it hard to fall asleep. This is your bodies natural way of telling you to eat. A little carbs before bed is always a good thing. Even if you’re dieting.
A good meal before bed can actually improve sleep. If your insulin levels are low it can put stress on the body to make it hard to fall asleep. This is your bodies natural way of telling you to eat. A little carbs before bed is always a good thing. Even if you’re dieting.
not sure where you read this but you must be a diabetic and taking meds for it or reading junk science put out by drug companies promoting diabetes medication
in a normal functioning person who isn't a diabetic this does not apply. not even close! but yeah sadly considering many people are insulin resistant these days and roller coastering their blood sugar is a way of life
and yes if you want to debate with me that low blood sugar can affect sleep that is correct BUT only in those who have made themselves insulin resistant in the first place. so in that situation fix the root cause instead of covering it up.