When I was late 18, early 19, I used to train 13 days in a row...
Every 14th day would be a rest day. My strength consistantly went up for a while and I got lean as hell.... But I never really grew too much....
The worst part about training so frequently is your joints, tendons and connective tissues don't really get an opportunity to heal.... From this training regime stemmed a two year on/off light weight lay off due to an EXTREMELY fucked up shoulder.
I was told by MANY doctors... (roughly 7) that my shoulder was done, and that I will never be able to train heavy again.
I was so jealous of people who didnt have shoulder problems and who were still capable of working out. It was terriblefor me... I just sat and regretted how I had trained for so long.
If these are the kinds of things you'd like to see happen to your body... train your ass off without a break.... you will thank all of us you give your body a break when your joints are still functioning properly in 10 years.
PS: By the way... I had a 95% shoulder recovery due to an awesome Chiropractor and an amazing Deep tissue massage therapist.... I went to a chiropractor before and never saw too much in terms of results.. and the deep tissue massages have allowed my shoulder to function completely in its normal range of motion.... heres a link to their site