I'll translate for you. Hi my name is plunkey, I'm about to be twice divorced. At this point, rubber vagina's sound pretty damn good. They don't talk and when I'm done with em they don't relieve me of half of what I own in life. This is excellent news for a bloated, greyed out gout ridden middle aged muppet.
You don't have any credibility posting until you move out your mom's basement, get off government assistance and actually touch your first real girl.
In other words, never.
But at least the system works. I'm just excited to know your genes will be exiting the pool here in a couple of decades. It restores my faith in evolution.
I'll translate for you. Hi my name is plunkey, I'm about to be twice divorced. At this point, rubber vagina's sound pretty damn good. They don't talk and when I'm done with em they don't relieve me of half of what I own in life.