It's not actually a lie. I knew within a very short period of time who pin was. It was not from cane and I told woot. Maybe cane got involved but it was not directly from me.
I'm glad it happened. It's made me re-evaluate a few things in my life. Dabuffguy, I am harder on you because I come from a Mormon family and I know the standards that you are to live by. I chose to formally leave the religion several years ago. You told me once not to mistake your imperfection for hypocrisy but at what point does continually choosing the same behavior become more than just mistake? Why is it ok here? Because it's not real life? Because no one you know will see it?
For the record, I accept your apology and will not mention it again. You did me a favor really. What leaving the church gave me was a strong belief in living a life that is honest and authentic. I feel sad for you that you feel the need to compromise the strong beliefs you have because no one is watching.
From my perspective, what Redscam accused me of was definitely a lie.
I apologized before I knew that anyone knew it was me.
Thursday March 27th, I PM'd you and apologized.
Friday March 28th at 6:28 MST woot texted me and told me that they knew it was me. I also told him I had already apologized because I felt bad.
So, I apologized because I felt bad for offending you which is sincere. I did feel bad, and I still do. I never want anyone to get upset or feel offended by anything I say, especially the women.
I didn't do it to cover my butt after I was found out, as I was accused of doing.
You are right, I should not compromise my standards because it's the internet. I post the things I do because we are all screwing around and none of this is to be taken seriously.
I don't post naked pics and other things along those lines that some of these guys do that you know I don't appreciate or find funny at all. I'm not the only one either, I realize that.
Aside from some cussing, and being "mean" by trolling, is it really all that compromising? Yeah, maybe I'm rationalizing a bit, "acting out" over the internet where it's "fair game" and all the regulars here understand that it's not to be taken seriously and nobody seeks to truly offend.
I PM noobs telling them that we are joking and not to feel bad because I don't really want anyone to be offended. I've also done this openly in threads when noobs are getting bombarded so that they don't get offended.
I take a tremendous amount of crap for being Mormon. When people say negative things about my religion, ya sometimes it pisses me off, but I just roll with it. I've dealt with that my whole life, even living in Mormonville USA. But I never have stepped down from what I believe, and I've had good bros here tell me that they respect me for that. I stopped taking juice years ago, I am still a virgin at 27 years old, I've never drank alcohol or smoked and only ever use prescriptions as prescribed. I pay my tithing, go to church, pray at dinner and before bed every night with my fiance. In person, I'm very friendly and kind, I donate to charity and donate a huge amount of my time coaching high school baseball without pay, and in fact it costs me for gas money at minimum.
So, my one greatest area of flaw is here when the real world can't see. Is that a compromise of integrity? Sure, to a certain degree that's true. But it's done in a joking manner. I'm not out drinking or banging chicks on the weekends, and then taking the sacrament Sunday morning.
Some feel they need to not be completely honest about who they are or hide mistakes they have made for fear of being ostracized or being judged. As much as that's how some people feel (and I totally understand that), that is not what Jesus teaches. "Come unto me, all ye that are labored and heavy laden, and I will give you rest". Our mistakes in life make us feel "heavy laden". The atonement is all about openness, honesty and humility with yourself and with God, as well as the correction of mistakes obviously. Hiding or lying about who you are or what errors you have made is definitely not the doctrine of Christ. That's not to say you need to publicly announce your life to other people, that's obviously unnecessary. Being right with yourself and with God is the goal.
The greatest lesson I learned on my mission in Chile is that all men from all walks of life make mistakes, sometimes intentionally while ignoring their conscience, and that's the nature of people. I learned how to not be judgemental of other people. A lesson I feel that only a portion of people in the church ever learn.
Ya, if you want to label my activities here as a degree of hypocrisy, that's not entirely unfair. However, there's not one person here that treats people in person the way they talk to others here, because they don't believe in treating people like that in person. Is everyone here therefore a hypocrite because of what they say here?