For the first 4 years, it was solo for me and there were numerious advantages. My workouts went alot faster, reducing my time at the gym and my intensity was higher. I could also show up at anytime. The last four years with a partner has had a few advantages, I seemed to push myself harder to keep my lead on lifts. This however can sometimes be dangerous, because of pride, I have seen many people get hurt over my years of bodybuilding. My partner was out for a few months for dislocating both of his shoulders while attempting to catch my deadlift. It's nice to have a spotter. I still would prefer to work out alone. My body always aches a lot more due to the intensity increasing when working out solo. The dude, I worked out with is strong but he takes way to much time to get in the zone. Just lift the shit for christ sakes. Do you have a workout partner and how do you get rid of one if you feel they are holding you back, without hurting their feeling.