i mostly eat my groceries at home and keep it clean, but if somebodys having a barbecue or they're offering me a few slices of pizza or what not, you better belive im milking it for all its worth (unless im cutting)
shit came home last night to free pizza (3 slices) and then work today for good friday another (2 slices down).
shit i feel fat reading that, buy hey, its FREE its me baby lol
Actually i was just craving, i turn down free food all the time at work just because its way to unhealthy(fried/drenched in mayo,etc). but you know what helps? Take a peek at who is actually online to eat the free food =]
That must be why I come off as such an asshole to people. I now always eat my prepared meals and turn down food all the time.
Do you feel guilty at all?
No judgement here, I just can't eat off my diet, except for my one cheat meal a week.
I guess the guilt of eating poorly is greater than any social shame/pressure that I can/would feel.
I can't agree more... I just returned from a 10 day vacation w/ my brothers family(her mom,dad,bros,sis,granma,granpa,uncles,their all fat except my bro and his wife cuz he whips her in shape...lol..) and every meal was like a feast and they're complaining to me why I don't eat my whole plate but I'm always eating something 2 hours before or after. I hate having to restrain myself from trying to breakdown aspects of healthy eating, frequency of meals, macros, theromodynamics, etc. which is how I've been eating the last 15 years and also the reason I stay 10% year round. I just ignore them because a few years ago I tried to inform them about the aforementioned and they laughed at it, so they're not ready to hear what I have to say.
I do get invited every now and then to family/home cooked meal and I just enjoy it but I never eat a huge amount.
This place I work at is the worst. It's a call center and these folks love to have potluck lunches. I work in the IT dept so everyone loves us and wants to be our friends so they always invite us. I'm running low on excuses as to why I never eat any of the lunches I'm invited to. My last excuse was..."I'm not going to be here that day." I'm a real stickler with my diet. Sorry, but thats the reason they look like they do and I look like I do (which still isn't good enough...BTW). I'm strong willed and hardly ever crumble
I just went out for some Pollo Loco instead of eating my usual dinner because my family invited me. If someone offers me something then I'll usually eat it and then just compensate later on with less calories so that the numbers are basically the same at the end of the day.
free food ownz. i cook most all of my meals at home but i dont think twice when offered free food. its usually a nice home cooked meal. id rather pig out on a big home cooked sunday lunch over fast food anyday. if someone says, "its on me", you better believe that i will be accepting the offer.
When I go to the butcher shop I have been known to eat their delicious samples of sausages and dips while I wait for my chicken breasts and lean steaks to get bagged.