looks to mee that your BF is consistant along your whole body. (are your nips leaking when squeezed?)
What are you taking? how long? how much.
if there is a luimp under the nip its for sure. But dont freak out. there are different levels . you can catch it early.
no leakeage. little plump smalller than a pea just feels like it should be there as in my gland in the first place i am at 14% body fat and i take liquidex every day at .3.... i am on test e cip every 5 days making that at 375 per week and dbol @ 30mg daliy i think they have always been there but never really started cheaking till i started taking tghey sheem puffy but then piss off as soon as its cold.... if it gyno then everybody i know has gyno lol but i am no expert thats why i ask you guys