Halo or methyl-T at 1-2mg per day MAX is all she needs. At this dose sides such as acne should be minimal. Anavar would be a ridiculous choice.
Venlafaxine will almost certainly reduce her libido even more than it already is. Highly androgenic AAS may help because they partly increases noradrenergic/dopaminergic activity which are essential for sexual response. The SSRIs have the opposite effect because they are overall more serotonergic than anything else. No guarantees that the AAS will help, and if you don't see any improvement you might ask her doc to consider putting her on bupropion/WellButrin instead.
Venlafaxine will almost certainly reduce her libido even more than it already is. Highly androgenic AAS may help because they partly increases noradrenergic/dopaminergic activity which are essential for sexual response. The SSRIs have the opposite effect because they are overall more serotonergic than anything else. No guarantees that the AAS will help, and if you don't see any improvement you might ask her doc to consider putting her on bupropion/WellButrin instead.