You have a choice of either a tuna pack or a metrx meal repacement for your second meals of the day...first was egg whites and oatmeal....which do you choose?
depends what the mrp has and the circumstances for me
i wouldnt eat protein on its own and would opt to either eat it with carbs or some carbs and some fats as protein on it's own isn't as good as protein with something else IMO
If i have trained in the morning i'd certainly opt for the mrp but i'd prefer real food over sups, couldnt you have some tuna and a sweet potato or something?
if it was just tuna and i could afford mrps im gonna go with the MRP
more vitamins, carbs, more protein providing the mrp was a good brand like Chemical Nutrition which have 20g of carbs and no hydro oils or labrada low carb