My interperatation of safe is sides and suppression. Just my 2c.
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Believe me I feel the same but fortunately we have a great product at our availability in the form of n2guard to help fight off the liver toxicity to an extent
helladrol is very light on sides and suppression... it is one of the lightest orals on sides i have ever encountered... i agree with steve though that primo is the lightest in terms of sides with suppression included in the discussion... anavar is overlooked on its harshness... there is a serious misinterpretation on it that makes it seem weak or not harsh... this is far from the truth... it can definitely increase bp and its definitely harsh on the liver and lipids... ive seen a lot of guys get big shutdown on it... some more than others but to act as though its very light is wrong... pretty much any steroid can cause suppression but some will obviously cause a lot more than others... test does not need to be ran at 500 mg to be effective... thats a huge misconception... 350 is a great spot... running it with other things at proper doses is what makes everything shine... test makes everything bettter...
test at moderate to high doses is just as hard on them. thats why i recommended he run test at a low dose along with primo
of all the orals var is probably the safest, but since some guys insist on running it at ridiculous doses out of impatience it gets a bad rep.
i gurantee if you run var at 50mg a day vs. lets say beastdrol or dbol at 30mg a day the var would be way less sides and if you ran a metabolic panel you would get less issues show up
the worst oral i ever ran was winny.. my hairline took a beating and i started getting headaches, it makes tren look safe