OK, here goes.
In general things looked pretty good, but there are a few "tweaks" that I would have you doing if I were coaching/training you.
1) The rocking back on your heels shows that you are out of balance. This is caused by #2
2) You are not completing the movement. When you get to lockout, your shoulders should be back more (more on this later) and you must drive your hips through squeezing your arse together as you do it.
3) When you are getting set to start the lift, think about getting your chest forward and big, and trying to touch your shoulder blades together. To get there, when I am still standing, I take a huge deep breath that almost makes my rib cage burst. Then I tighten all my back muscles trying to stretch open my chest and pull my shoulder blades together. Then drop to the bar, grip it, and rip it. And when I say tighten up your muscles, I mean think about what you would do if me and B Fold or 'traz were going to hit you high and low and how much you would tighten up your body to take the obviously lethal blow.
4) Finally, you are a bit too slow off the floor. The beginning of the pull to your knees is one of the most crucial parts of the lift. You need to go with the mantra "grip and rip." We are not talking about a big jerk off the floor, but rather very quick, very smooth and very rapid acceleration. If you don't start doing that now, the bigger weights are going to feel like they have been magnetized to the floor, you will jack your form trying to pull it, and get hurt.