A clease will get rid of any toxins that are built up in your kidneys and liver. It should get rid of any fat, excess toxins, etc. Yes, it will help with weight loss if you are at a plateau. If you are taking supplements, it's a good idea to clease your body every 90 days just because toxins can and do build up that fast. There are a few on the market. You can email me personally and I can give you a suggestion on one that I know works well. You might be surprised on the energy one can feel after a good cleanse. If you're wondering, yes I sell supplements, but I don't like to push them on anybody. If you are interested, you can email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to talk/email you about it. you can also find a clease in a good nutional store. Akin's Healthfood store would probably have some, but I don't know how good they are. They will make you tired the first couple of days, then when you are through with a clease, you can get back on any supplements you were on before. Just don't intake any caffine while on a clease and absolutely drink LOTS of water. Water helps in more ways then most people know! This is from a Weight Watcher user as well. Like I said, I am happy to talk about the one i sell, but contact me if you would like to hear about it. This, in my opinion, is not a place to sell things. (I don't want to use this area as a selling place or to make people to feel uncomfortable. Let me know if you like!)