how much dandelion root should i be taking to shed a little water? Directions say only take on pill a day, will that be effective enough or should I up it?
I've used Cytodynes' Taraxatone before my last vacation (god knows how long ago that was ), and it worked pretty good. It might be cheaper to just use 2 grams of dandelion and 500 mgs. Uva Ursi along with some caffeine.
Just drink gallons of water. Even when i am ultra bloated from a sodium overload, i can always shed near enough of all it within a day. Just 'MAKE' yourself pee. Will benefit much more than taking D Root IMO.
Just drink gallons of water. Even when i am ultra bloated from a sodium overload, i can always shed near enough of all it within a day. Just 'MAKE' yourself pee. Will benefit much more than taking D Root IMO.
That really is your best bet. Not a big fan of diuretics myself, herbal or prescription. They really should only be used for a competition or last minute photo shoot. Focus on getting your bodyfat down low enough where slight water retention shouldn't even be that noticable. And maybe it's just me, but I seemed to be holding more water after my 3rd vacation day when I was on that stuff. Rebound effect maybe.