I posted this diet over a week ago on another forum where i normally participate in discussions and i got a few responses but now much
Age: 22
Weight: 195
Body Fat: 24.25% (seems kinda high)
Caloric needs: 3100 Cals
Current Diet
Meal 1
4 whole eggs
2 tbsp of Natural PB
1 Fish Oil Cap
1 Flax Oil Cap
500 calories | 36g Fat | 13g Carbs | 31g Protein
Meal 2
1/2 cup Oatmeal
2 scoops of Protien Powder
370 calories | 6g Fat | 33g Carbs | 51g Protein
Meal 3
1 Chicken Breast
1 cup of broccoli
2 slices of fat free cheese
430 Calories | 4.5g Fat | 4g Carbs | 83g Protein
Meal 4
1 serving Tuna
1 serving Salad
1 scoop Protein Powder
205 Calories | 2.5g Fat | 6g Carbs | 39g Protein
Meal 5
Post Work Out Shake
330 Calories | 2.5g Fat | 30g Carbs | 69g Protein
Meal 6
1/2 cup cottage Cheese
1 scoop Protein Powder
230 Calories | 6.5g Fat | 7g Carbs | 36g Protein
Calories: 2065
Fat: 58g
Carbs: 93g
Protein: 319g
B5 500mg
B6 200mg
B Complex 1 serving
Multivitamin 1 serving
Tribulus 2 grams
Tong Kat 400mg
ZMA 1 serving
45 min cardio 65% HR 5 days a week, mornings on empty stomach
45 min Heavy Weight 4 days week
with the advice i got from the other forum, i switched my diet up to this
Meal 1
1/2 cup oatmeal
2 scoops protien
cal 370 | Fat 6 | Carb 33 | Pro 51
Meal 2
4 Eggs
1 Tablespoon Natty PB
cal 380 | Fat 26 | Carb 9 | Pro 31
Meal 3
1/2 pound chicken
1 pound broccoli
1 slice Fat Free Cheese
cal 382 | Fat 3.5 | Carb 30.5 | Pro 58
Meal 4
PWO Shake
cal 445 | Fat 3 | Carb 66 | Pro 46
Meal 5
1 can Tuna
1/2 cup brown rice
cal 378 | Fat 4 | Carb 40.5 | Pro 41.5
Meal 6
1/2 cup cottoge cheese
1 cap fish oil
1 cap flax oil
cal 110 | Fat 3.5 | Carb 6 | Pro 14
Total Calories: 2065
Total Fats: 46
Total Carbs: 185
Total Protien: 241.5
Seems to be wayyyy to many carbs, hoping someone here could be more helpfull on which way to go... with the newer plan I have more equal meals but just too many carbs i think
Age: 22
Weight: 195
Body Fat: 24.25% (seems kinda high)
Caloric needs: 3100 Cals
Current Diet
Meal 1
4 whole eggs
2 tbsp of Natural PB
1 Fish Oil Cap
1 Flax Oil Cap
500 calories | 36g Fat | 13g Carbs | 31g Protein
Meal 2
1/2 cup Oatmeal
2 scoops of Protien Powder
370 calories | 6g Fat | 33g Carbs | 51g Protein
Meal 3
1 Chicken Breast
1 cup of broccoli
2 slices of fat free cheese
430 Calories | 4.5g Fat | 4g Carbs | 83g Protein
Meal 4
1 serving Tuna
1 serving Salad
1 scoop Protein Powder
205 Calories | 2.5g Fat | 6g Carbs | 39g Protein
Meal 5
Post Work Out Shake
330 Calories | 2.5g Fat | 30g Carbs | 69g Protein
Meal 6
1/2 cup cottage Cheese
1 scoop Protein Powder
230 Calories | 6.5g Fat | 7g Carbs | 36g Protein
Calories: 2065
Fat: 58g
Carbs: 93g
Protein: 319g
B5 500mg
B6 200mg
B Complex 1 serving
Multivitamin 1 serving
Tribulus 2 grams
Tong Kat 400mg
ZMA 1 serving
45 min cardio 65% HR 5 days a week, mornings on empty stomach
45 min Heavy Weight 4 days week
with the advice i got from the other forum, i switched my diet up to this
Meal 1
1/2 cup oatmeal
2 scoops protien
cal 370 | Fat 6 | Carb 33 | Pro 51
Meal 2
4 Eggs
1 Tablespoon Natty PB
cal 380 | Fat 26 | Carb 9 | Pro 31
Meal 3
1/2 pound chicken
1 pound broccoli
1 slice Fat Free Cheese
cal 382 | Fat 3.5 | Carb 30.5 | Pro 58
Meal 4
PWO Shake
cal 445 | Fat 3 | Carb 66 | Pro 46
Meal 5
1 can Tuna
1/2 cup brown rice
cal 378 | Fat 4 | Carb 40.5 | Pro 41.5
Meal 6
1/2 cup cottoge cheese
1 cap fish oil
1 cap flax oil
cal 110 | Fat 3.5 | Carb 6 | Pro 14
Total Calories: 2065
Total Fats: 46
Total Carbs: 185
Total Protien: 241.5
Seems to be wayyyy to many carbs, hoping someone here could be more helpfull on which way to go... with the newer plan I have more equal meals but just too many carbs i think