Thank you FitFossil for attempting to correct our sampling error here. As for your pain, I'm sorry to hear that; it could have been avoided with a simple paracervical block and some motrin 20 minutes before insertion.
As for Star, I'm sorry that you do not have access to any "reputable" doctors in Texas. Frankly, I'm not sure whether or not to be insulted by your implication.
It sounds like your gynecological experiences have been less than satisfying and I'm sorry that you have had a hard time finding the right doctors/treatments. It sucks, and as your comments show, it's tough for a layperson to know who is "reputable" and who is not. That's one of the reasons that I was posting to this board; I'd like women to have current and accurate data to use and pass on to their friends. If you want to e-mail me your location I can see if I'm familiar with someone in your area.
As for me (For a little background): I trained in NYC (as well as West Texas), presently practice in a large metropolitan center (Phoenix), am published on several occasions, and have been accredited within the past 3 years. I perform some 300 deliveries per year. I am totally pro-choice and my patients ALWAYS come before my personal beliefs. The problem with most of today's doctors is that many were trained 15, even 20 years ago. With the medicolegal environment as it is, they are afraid to use and trust logic and challenge old "wisdom". The IUD is only one example of this. There is no logical basis or medical evidence which supports that women without children cannot use an IUD, they merely need to be well-selected. "The proof is in the pudding" as they say. I have placed many such IUD's and the only major complaint (a woman who happens to be a friend of mine) is some low back pain and cramping which she says she is happy to exchange for the freedom from the other hormonal methods she has previously tried. If she wants, I'll remove it at any time (she's had it for 18 months now).
Laserdude: very responsible, mature outlook. However, some people would like to pass on their perfect genetic structure to the next generation of BB's.