the comsumers group that publishes "Consumers Reports" magazine examined 23 kinds of latex condoms and concluded that the seven top types of condoms did not burst despite vigorous testing.
all models tested also met international standards.
the highest rated models were the durex extra sensitive lubricated, durex performax lubricated, lifestyles classic collection ultrasensitivie lubricated, theyfit lubricated, trojan extended pleasure climax control lubricated, trojan nonlubricated and trojan ultra pleasure with spermicidal lubricant.
condoms scoring the lowest in safety ratings were planned parenthood's assorted colors and honewdew models.
so...all those free condoms in the glass fishbowls at your local bar were rated the lowest in safety....i guess you get what you pay for!!
all models tested also met international standards.
the highest rated models were the durex extra sensitive lubricated, durex performax lubricated, lifestyles classic collection ultrasensitivie lubricated, theyfit lubricated, trojan extended pleasure climax control lubricated, trojan nonlubricated and trojan ultra pleasure with spermicidal lubricant.
condoms scoring the lowest in safety ratings were planned parenthood's assorted colors and honewdew models.
so...all those free condoms in the glass fishbowls at your local bar were rated the lowest in safety....i guess you get what you pay for!!