and some random points...
Although these combinations will make complete protein, let's also explore the potential problems. For example, tofu and rice is not high in iron, thus a spinach salad with vinaigrette (acid to increase absorption of iron), will balance the meal. Cheese and bread can be limiting in iron, and potentially high in fat. Why not add raisins as a desert option! Seeds and nuts provide 170 calories per once and are approximately 85% fat.
A vegetarian diet can be a very healthy alternative if done properly. Keep a few things in mind:
Drink 3 cups milk daily or the equivalent. One cup milk equals one cup yogurt, 1 ounce swiss cheese, 1 cup cooked spinach, 3 cups beet or turnip greens.
Eat high iron sources - kidney and other beans, spinach, raisins, figs, apricots, dates, whole wheat bread, raisin bran cereal, molasses, kale, brown rice, brewer's yeast.
Have an acid source with non-meat iron sources - lemon, orange, grapefruit, vinegar.
Get adequate B-12 - milk, eggs, lowfat cheeses.