there really isnt too much you can do to the desert eagle 1911 or the colt 45 as far as customization... you can strip the parts and do grips, nickel plating, engraving ect... cosmetics... not too many internal parts, where the glock (i wouldnt do a 9mm) you can make parts, mold parts, there are a million and one accessories, theres the reliability there too... if i had my choice, i would take the glock but in a .45... as far as bad ass blow ya nuts off power, the desert eagle cant loose. those guns were made for one purpose only.. to kill people. they really serve no other purpose. the colt... its an all american classic.. ya kinda have to love em.
if its for self protection get a glock 30... its a .45, accurate, not too heavy, not bulky and never gotta worry about that gun jamming... thats my carry. i just wanna know the mother fucker is gonna work, ya know... and a 45 is a show stopper. you get hit with one round your chances of getting up are slim, and if you are alive... play dead