Carbs: NO carbs, not 20g, but as close to ZERO as you can while dropping into ketosis! once that strip changes color, THEN you can up your carbs up to 50 for some folks, 30-35 is the max for most, just be sure to frequently use your strips until you get a handle on what works best for you in terms of total carb/day... and yes,3 here and 4 there will ruin this game in short order: THAT is one reason this game is so hard to play.
You do WAYYYYY to much cardio!!! Find out what you have coming in, what you are spending and adjust accordingly: more is NOT better.
As far as calories? on a CKD? brother,
three fried eggs, a half cup of almonds and two tbs of olive oil added to your day is a 1000 extra calories... actually, 997 calories, so finding the EXTRA calories on a Ketonic diet is usually NOT much of a problem...