spongebob said:yes.
i think your saying it is just a programmed response, at this point learned in the womb.
but i think we need to still define what pain is. right. at what point does an infant begin to feel pain the way that i feel it today?
and would it be difficult to do a foreskin removal procedure in the womb. probably stupid and really not neccesary but im curious.
Yes, we can perform micro open heart surgery in the womb without anesthesia, you certainly can perform a simple procedure as circumcision in the womb and their is no scarring from surgeries when performed in the womb.
Developmental cognitive psychological stages define how consciousness develops in classic accepted literature and research. I dont have off the top of my head when "theories" of consciousness of pain as we might interpret it form but I do know that it doesnt exist in classic thought at the time a circumcision is performed. Arguing with that is arguing against the body of validated research, people can throw out a single opinion against it but peer accepted studies can throw water on those claims. The act of one person screaming into the woods their opinion does not mean that it is true, but Im sure some will do that with junk science to back it up.
Defining pain, how do you define what a color looks like? What exactly is it? What is color in the mind of a colorblind person. What is the pain of the electrical signals sent from leg trauma to a paralyzed person from birth. You see if the person has never felt sensory information, it doesnt exist in their reality. They have no reference, no attachment to it, it simply doesnt exist, never did, a person looking at injured leg can say that looks painful, but if that leg is attached to a paralyzed person with no sensory information moving up the spinal cord to the brain then that is incorrect, it is not painful, it is not true in reality except in the mind of the person who attributes the notion of pain to what an injured leg looks like. All of this is created by the mind, sensory information is just an interface with this ooze that surrounds us, there are no such things as color, corners, right angles, all of it is just a fabrication of the mind. Its simple sensory and perception of electrical impulses that we assign certain meanings to. At birth you come in with a Tabula Rasa or a blank slate. The empty mind has not yet defined the variables as to what to assign the base electrical impulses, that comes later. The most traumatic experience in that period is the process of being born. All of the sensory information relays is activated as it is suddenly thrust into a completely new environment. One could argue that the act of being born scars the psyche. In fact, all experiences good or bad scar the psyche, each experience in life leaves an indelible impression. You see, it boils down to how you define things. If you look at screaming of a baby, the definition of what the baby is going through is created in your mind, not the baby's mind. Thats why when people try and measure the babys' perception of pain what they are actually measuring is the researcher's perception of the infant's level of pain. That is why we conduct double blind studies, so that the bias and perception of the researcher isnt measured. IT simply Cannot be done with an infant so stating the level of pain an infant feels and what it exists in their mind is an impossibility. Anyone that puts up a junk science study that says it can, I can easily pick apart, it quite simply is impossible to do so. Pain as we know it does not exist in the mind of an infant yet, the attachments and references havent been formed yet, they are still just base electrical impulses generated by biochemical reactions along biological structures. Dont get me started on figures of light playing out in our minds.
Do you remember what happened to Socrates?