Originally Posted by BrothaBill
Its actually from the memories from the schooling I received to studying medicine, I have no need to root around for links to someone who is not a peer
That's sweet ... your memories versus medical refs... you expect Lestat to produce something you are unwilling to provide yourself. Not alone arrogant but pompous too. Not to mention hypocritical. Some scientist.
Pretty sweet isnt it?
Originally Posted by BrothaBill
No, really, what is your point. Not following it at all, I go back to my original statement. The foreskin does not equal clitorus, period. Words are Zen, but for using medical jargon, they are not even close.
Actually i was agreeing with you there. Clitoris is not equivalent to foreskin.
Then we agree, I knew I could at least get that out of the folks arguing that genital mutilation in muslim societies is akin to circumcision. Thats the crux of the issue, everything flows from there, now just follow it.
Originally Posted by BrothaBill
I cant believe Im saying this, but again, what is your point? I see words there but no coherent position or statment.
The fact that the clitoris is from an evolutionary perspective redundant is a poor argument for it's removal. The same argument is made repeatedly by proponents of both male and female circ.
Whose talking about removal of a clitorus, thats the antithesis to all of my statements, so obviously any argument for the removal of a clitorus would be poor LOL
Who cares what propents argue, discard them on your search for the truth
Originally Posted by BrothaBill
Brilliant debate tactics, instruct the other to go talk to some africans. I believe this is used by the Harvard Debate Society, the go talk to an African card, sorta like the Yale, take a long walk off a short pier gambit.
I believe this is called the "I have no answer to that so I'll just bullshit" argument. I could post some references to African doctors but Im sure you've no interest....that's what I mean - you're unwilling to debate on an equal footing because of your or my "peerage" - I mean why post here at all - ust stay on a doctor's message board!
Bingo, I have NOT taken a position so I can say whatever I want, you see, my debate strategy ensures that I can never lose b/c there is nothing to lose. A person that engages with a person such as myself inevitably finds themselves tilting at windmills, makes a gaff and then is opened up to having their position picked apart. Taking a position ensures loss.
Originally Posted by BrothaBill
OK, I get this one, you think that circumcisions are done with flint knives. Gotcha, I can see any effort I put forth would be so constructive on someone who takes your positions and makes your statments. I guess I could send you my library card and you could come back in say a decade with a better foundation of knowledge and understand the proper structure of a debate. Good luck in life though.
A swing and a miss!
What was I trying to hit?
Originally Posted by BrothaBill
My profession is medicine, I understand how to read medical journals. I also understand that just b/c it can be referenced does not mean its peer reviewed and accepted. Gargage sites can find junk science studies b/c theyre everywhere and then use them to tailor their arguments with so called references, when point in fact. All it is is another form of lying, plain and simple. Using bogus and poorly designed studies that the majority of literature on the subject rejects is just as bad as lying, actually worse.
Try me... Go on majority of literature...you post it...ill read it...but oh yeh I forgot you've no need to "root around for links to someone who is not a peer"... lmao... with attitudes like that think of how little progress the bodybuilding commnity would have made with AAS!
Now youre getting it!
Originally Posted by BrothaBill
I dont care about it, Im just trying to keep the debate "honest". Seems the people that actually have a position are the only ones distorting facts purposely, the other side makes funny statements out of ignorance, not willful misleading like the uncircumsized side is doing. I could care less but lets keep it above board
You come across as real neutral ...kinda like Spongebob tried to at the start...now he's pro-circ...no shit!
Not even bothered to attempt the basic question posted by FastTwitchFiber - why not wait until the kid is old enough for himself to decide
Why would I bother to answer questions when they are irrelevant, its all ZEN, that is your first lesson you will get from talking to me. Its all ZEN, MAN! The answer is within you, always has been.
What is Zen? (the simple question)
Zen is short for Zen Buddhism. It is sometimes called a religion and sometimes called a philosophy. Choose whichever term you prefer; it simply doesn't matter.
In a nutshell, he realized that everything is subject to change and that suffering and discontentment are the result of attachment to circumstances and things which, by their nature, are impermanent. By ridding oneself of these attachments, including attachment to the false notion of self or "I", one can be free of suffering.
What is Zen? (the real question)
This question basically asks "What is the essence of Zen?". It appears in various guises throughout Zen literature, from "What is the meaning of Bodhidharma's coming from the West?" to "Have you eaten yet?". The question cuts right to the heart of the matter and can only be answered by you. Perhaps the best answer is "practice".
Why do people post such nonsense to this group?
One of the central points of Zen is intuitive understanding. As a result, words and sentences have no fixed meaning, and logic is often irrelevant. Words have meaning only in relation to who is using them, who they are talking to, and what situation they are used in. Some postings are indeed nonsense; other postings appear to be nonsense at first but this is because the meaning is all between the lines.