Originally Posted by BrothaBill
Every bit of skin has nerve endings, removing tissue from the penis in a circumcision does not affect sexual appreciation if done correctly in any appreciable manner.
Post sources for that one...love to hear it but medical literature.
Its actually from the memories from the schooling I received to studying medicine, I have no need to root around for links to someone who is not a peer
Originally Posted by BrothaBill
No, not what I assume you are saying, certainly we can break it down to GCAT and build from there, but that is a poor endevour on your part, foreskin does not equal clitorus, I warn you to not try and argue that, Ill smoke you foo, just like being up a kindergartner if you continue down that path, tatoo it to your dick...foreskin is not the male equivalent of the clitorus period!!!
No but the clitoris is the equivalent of the phallus. We've all seen Nicole Bass, some of us have seen female-to-male sex change patients.
No, really, what is your point. Not following it at all, I go back to my original statement. The foreskin does not equal clitorus, period. Words are Zen, but for using medical jargon, they are not even close.
Originally Posted by BrothaBill
The clitorus is described by most as a evolutional redundant penis
Argument used by doctors who support female circ.Nice company.
I cant believe Im saying this, but again, what is your point? I see words there but no coherent position or statment.
Originally Posted by BrothaBill
Thats where we disagree, having a foreskin or not having one, who really cares, it doesnt affect the person in any appreciable way. Its a preference, thats all. The argument for female mutilation of the clitorus and hood is to prevent to experience the enjoyment of sex.
Wrong ... talk to Africans...they'll give you the exact same reasons given here for male circ. Preference ? Preferences do not cause death ,impotence etc etc.
Brilliant debate tactics, instruct the other to go talk to some africans. I believe this is used by the Harvard Debate Society, the go talk to an African card, sorta like the Yale, take a long walk off a short pier gambit.
Originally Posted by BrothaBill
Its to prevent them from having a reason to cheat on their husbands. These are done in the most brutal and oppresive societies that subjugate women and treat them like cattle with little or no rights. The same cultures that also have honor killings where if the female of the family goes astray it is to the honor of the family to have her brothers, father, uncles, cousins kill her to maintain honor. The sociological differences alone involved with female mutilation are enormous. I cannot believe Lestat that you are being intellectually honest about comparing the two. I mean, cmon, really, so you like foreskins. But do you actually know what is wholistically involved with what you are comparing and contrasting, I know you do. I think that you are arguing folly but Id be interested to see you make those comparisons. Trust me, you cannot win that debate, but itd be a spirited exercise in reason if youd like. Im in an unusual mood as of late.
You mean the same societies that circ boys at the age of 14 with flint knives ? I'm ready for that debate. Bring it on.
OK, I get this one, you think that circumcisions are done with flint knives. Gotcha, I can see any effort I put forth would be so constructive on someone who takes your positions and makes your statments. I guess I could send you my library card and you could come back in say a decade with a better foundation of knowledge and understand the proper structure of a debate. Good luck in life though.
Originally Posted by BrothaBill
Links please, I fail to see how anyone with a clue could surmise that having a circumcision would prevent masturbation. Sounds like some garbage off an anticircumcision website. Lets not talk junk science here.
You know that most of the sites that have links to these stats will toe one line or another. That alone does not make them "garbage".
For example this one...with references to medical journals :
My profession is medicine, I understand how to read medical journals. I also understand that just b/c it can be referenced does not mean its peer reviewed and accepted. Gargage sites can find junk science studies b/c theyre everywhere and then use them to tailor their arguments with so called references, when point in fact. All it is is another form of lying, plain and simple. Using bogus and poorly designed studies that the majority of literature on the subject rejects is just as bad as lying, actually worse.
I dont care about it, Im just trying to keep the debate "honest". Seems the people that actually have a position are the only ones distorting facts purposely, the other side makes funny statements out of ignorance, not willful misleading like the uncircumsized side is doing. I could care less but lets keep it above board