my chest has been lookin pretty nice, but at the bottom of my pecs, i have fat. it aint much, but i kinda hate it, and want it to be gone. how would i go about getting rid of it, while still gaining strength and muscle?
at about 70% what u normally do, but do 3 sets of 15-20. then hit the cables, and do the upper pullys, bend over and then cross them infront, keep your chest tight the whole time, u will feel it!!!
at about 70% what u normally do, but do 3 sets of 15-20. then hit the cables, and do the upper pullys, bend over and then cross them infront, keep your chest tight the whole time, u will feel it!!!
gettinlarger, its a matter of you leaning out more. everyone has thier trouble spots where fat deposits, thats probably yours. cut a bit more and youll tap into it. as for exercises to "burn" the fat...forget it, only exercise that will do it is eating less, cardio, working harder
at about 70% what u normally do, but do 3 sets of 15-20. then hit the cables, and do the upper pullys, bend over and then cross them infront, keep your chest tight the whole time, u will feel it!!!
Oh good Lord..........gettinlarger, this will do NOTHING to help you. I'll just add a little to what bignate said. Your problem is a matter of losing fat, not doing the mythical "toning excercises." So your diet will the main contributor in losing that fat. And yes, to lean up a trouble spot, you might have to sacrifice a little bit of muscle size, but in most cases it's more than worth it IMO.
thanks fellas, i thought that was what i gonna hear. first im gonna bulk up a lot. my goal is to get to about ... 175-180, then i think im gonna cut up.