i was just wondering how bad it is to have a cheat day on a carb up day. cause my cheat day i like to have kraft dinner fresh white bread and kinda stuf like that, would it matter if it was on a high carb day?
lol im a sucker for fresh bread/buns and yes i love KD grew up on it i guess. i quit eating ice cream and chocolate chips a while ago and never really get a craving for them anymore
Are you working with someone on your nutrition or did you design it? If you're working with someone, I would ask them first. If it's your own diet, I would just make sure that you have an idea of what kind of macro numbers you want to hit and plug your foods in before you just start eating away. Or you could just declare it a "cheat day" and eat what you want. But high carb day and cheat day are two very different things.