a better investment is the shaker bottles
i fill mine in the morning, the tubs of protien are way cheaper than bars
when it's time add water/milk/juice
saves $$$ overall, and you don't get the trash you get from the bars
Go for the Oddyssey Caramel Nut protein bars. They are unbelievable. They are not cheap, but like others said, save your cash and get some good ones. These taste so good I feel like I am cheating my diet every time I have one.
I disageee about the bars - I always carry a few with me in case I am on the road and can't get to a place and eat something - they are always good as a fill in esp. on weekends when my routine is different and I am running around doing errands - its much easier to eat a bar than open a can of tuna while your driving.
witkowsd for convenience sake then sure but if given the choice between a bar and something else, if i can at the time eat something else i'd not have the bar
1 cup peanut butter
8 tablespoons honey
1.5 cups Whey
1 cup rolled oats
Handfull of Raisins
Mix peanut butter and honey and bang in Micro for 80 secs. Mix well and add all other ingredients. Mix well and roll out flat. Cut into bars and whack them in the fridge. They taste good and are cheaper than buying them.