yes! i highly reccomend this for health, fitness, and disease prevention. most of the views on this board are for nieve short term cosmetic benfits.
protein-any lean animal souce is good, and try not to over do the canned stuff. use powders only pst worjout and maybe pre.
carbs-any fruits and veges. green veges should be the number one thing you consume next to protein. i am talking at LEAST a pound of greens a day and MUCH more if possible. pre workout go with fruits, i like bananas. post workout go with potatoes. beond pre and post leave out these carb sources! the other times are for greens protein and healthy essential fats.
fats-flax,olive,coconut, avocado, walnuts, egg yolk... as long as the protein source is low in fat you can suplement with all of these.
supplements- the point is to eat so well they are NEARLY unessecary.