I think you have to try various methods and find which system works for you.I do cardio anywhere between 20-50 mins per session 3 times per week tues,thurs,sun depending on how I feel,then weights Mon,wed,fri and Sat when cutting.If the cardio starts to affect my weights workouts ie loss of strength I will cut back.It has taken me a year or two to find what works for me I think it would be wrong to say x amount of time at x amount intensity burns x amount of fat,there are too many factors involved.While dieting I use every trick I can to keep the muscle full of water,creatine,glutamine,vanadyl,rehydration salts etc.I have a set of body fat scales which lets me know when I am around 6-7%bf,how much total body water,fat free mass and how many pounds of fat my body has,it gives me a rough idea that when my weight is falling that it is due to loss of body fat.