Elijah, you are right - Its not my cup of tea. But, you are wrong in saying that I look down upon it. For example, in this post, 30g of carbs is ridiculous on a diet. That would definetely make people suffer. I find CKD has a lot of unnecessary extra work involved (obsessing about labels, and especially obsessing about whats in foods at restaurants). But I do acknowledge it as being a very good and effective diet. I bash it sometimes when people are ckd advocates and seem to think nothing else works (diamond) because the idea that 0 carb is the only way to go has to go. Just as the low fat diet took a while to go away. My gramma and my mom still eek at fats - they grew up in a low fat diet -loving society. 0 carbs are all the rage, and while the work, it doesnt really deserve all the attention it gets. Plus, many people are not ready for getting constipated and they freak out and back out on the diet and give up altogether. If youre gonna go on ckd, you better research and know what you are doing, its harder, perhaps works better (less cardio needed) but the sides are rather unpleasant (low pumps in the gym, constipation, constant effort to read labels etc).
But be sure - I like both diets. Both work, and its just a matter of preference and patience.