I read an article that weighed the pros & cons of canola vs. olive oil. the main thought was that canola is over processed losing much of the nutrients and that olive oil was superior, calorie for calorie, because of the way the oil is obtained.
in the end, flaxseed and olive oil are better but marginally. everything you read is all hype. as soon as the oil is seperated or harvested it loses many of its nutritional properties and continues to do so as long as its stored. same shit with those 100% $4 fruit drinks. (naked & odwalla)
in the end they're better because they retain more nutrients, but not that much. if you're trying to save some dough, canola oil works fine. it's like buying into that whole organic bs. sure, organic food doesn't have chemicals but guess what. people have been eating those chemically grown foods for a while now and we've been living longer and healthier than ever before. so where's the down side?
high fructose corn syrup on the other hand is bad. really bad.