I think rlj meant: you might sKip it...but don't. (not ship it.)
Anyway, here is one more program to look at. It is the 5x5, which might be the most benficial to you for your football program. It's origianl version was written by Bill Starr in a book called "The strongest Survive." This one was adapted to strength athletes by one of the greatest coaches in Amercia at this time. (he is a presonal friend of mine and one of the head strength and conditioning coaches for the USOC.
He took out the cleans and substituted deadlifts, but you would want to do both for football.
There are lots of additional comments made by myself, as I'm just cutting and pasting this from an email I sent another friend of mine...
---5X5--- Monday: Squats, Benching, Rows Weds: Squats, Military Presses,
Deadlifts, Chins Friday: Squats, Benching, Rows courtesy of bill starr bill
starr, the greatest strength coach who ever lived, popularized this in the
70's with his great book, the strongest shall survive, which was aimed at
strength training for football. i believe he had essentually two different
programs which both are 5 sets of 5, the first, which is more suitable for
beginners, is to simply do 5 sets of 5 with similar weight jumps between
each set so that your last set is your top weight. when you get all 5 on
the last set, bump all your weights up 5 or 10lbs. example for squat... 185
for 5, 225 for 5, 275 for 5, 315 for 5, 365 for 5. if you get 365 for 5,
move all weights up. this is especially good for someone who is just
learning a particular exercise like the squat, because the amount of
practice with light but increasing weights is a good way to practice form.
for more advanced lifters, he advocated a warmup, then 5 sets of 5 with a
set weight, for example, the same athlete used in the other example may do
135 for 5, 185 for 5, 225 for 3, 275 for 2, 315 for 1, then 350 for 5 sets
of 5. when successfull with all 25 reps at 350lbs, bump the weight up the
next workout by 5 or 10lbs. this is not outdated, and is a good program for
gaining strength. many elite athletes still use it during at least part of
the year. i in fact do 5 sets of 5 on squatting for 4 weeks as part of an 8
or 10 week training cycle. personally, when i do it 3 times a week, but
most people will probably make better progress doing it 2 times per week,
or even doing version 1 once a week, and version 2 once a week. i gave
meathead a program similar to this, but unfortunately, he aquired a pussy
for a workout partner and was unable to give it a fair shot because his
partner couldnt hack it. it is a tough program. by the way are you doing
the exact same workout every time or are you varying the weight a bit---
this might work fine for a while with the same weight every time but
eventually you will ahve to vary things a bit between workouts i think i
have talked to you about this in e-mail but i cant remember exactly what
was said back and forth in any event i described a system in a post a while
back that goes something like this monday use the heaviest weight you can
for all 5 sets (same weight each set)---- in other words when you get all 5
sets of 5 reps up the weight (most workouts you will get 3 or 4 sets of 5-
adn maybe your last one will be for 3 or 4 reps) wednesday use 10-20% less
weight- in other words if you used 200lbs on monday use 160-180lbs on
wednesday- actuall amount depending on your recovery friday work up to a
max set of 5- in other words lets say that your best ever set of 5 is
215lbs and you used 200lbs on monday for 5 sets and 170lbs on wednesday- on
friday your workout might be like this 95 for 5 135 for 5 175 for 5 200 for
5 then attempt 220 for your last set of 5 this tends to work better as a
long term program than doing the same thing 3 times a week on exercises
where you only do them once a week like deadlift you can just do the 5 sets
of 5 like i described on monday on exercises that you are only doing twice
(rows) you could do both exercises like the monday workout or lighten one
of them depending on your recovery ability again sorry if i am repeating
things we talked about in e-mail but i cant remember and by the way- be
conservative with the weight when you start- that is important also i have
used this program VERY often with athletes and it IS result producing-
however many of your gains will show up after you use it for 4-6 weeks and
you switch to training a bit less frequently and lower the reps and volume
however this is one program i have had a LOT of success with in fact i
rarely if ever use it with athletes who are at the top of their weight
class because it causes too much weight gain unless you severely restrict
your food.
ok here it is, i had a hard time finding it, my dorm room is a mess (i
printed it) i think this is the one your looking for, "i do squats only.
however i also do alot of other pulling motions off the floor, and these
also work the legs. as far as squats monday 5 sets of five with a set
weight wendsday, 5 sets of five with a weight that is 10-15% less than
monday friday, work up with sets of five, going for your best set of five
heres an example of how we do this...lets say a person has a previous best
of 5 sets of five weight with 300lbs, and has done one set of five with
325lbs for this person i may start with mondays weight of 285lbs, wendsdays
weight of 255lbs, and on friday work up to a set of five with 310lbs,
however if this person never trained this way before i would be much more
conservative, more on that later then make small jumps each week, maybe
week 2 use 295, 260, and 320 for the three workouts, week three use maybe
305, 265, and 330...and so on. however keep this in mind, if on monday you
cannot do all five sets of five keep the weight the same the next week, and
on friday if you fail on a weight you choose keep the weight the same the
next week now, heres a few more hints, if you are not use to this sort of
training and know you are gonna be sore as hell the first couple weeks,
simply start more conservatively with the weight. if you are use to this
sort of training, you can be a bit more agrressive from the start. also as
the weeks go by, dont increase wensdays workout as much as the other two.
also some people are able to handle a heavier wensday workout than others.
i have had athletes who have reacted best if wensdays workout was only 5%
less than mondays weight. i have seen others who needed 25% reduction,
however the average seems to be 10-15%, maybe if your new to this training
start with 25% reduction then next time try 10-15% reduction. with people
new to this program i usually use it for 6-7 weeks, because we start more
conservatively and it takes longer to get the benefits. with people who
have done it before i generally go with 4 weeks at a time and go with
setting records on monday and friday of week 3, week 4 is to try even more
weight if week 3 was succesful, if it wasnt, then try record weights again.
after this routine is over, we drop the frequency to about two workouts a
week or even a bit less , and drop volume usually to 3 sets of 3. the first
week, we use the same weight as on the last monday of the 5 sets of five
workout. this helps with recuperation. then, as in before we add weight
each workout, this time aiming to break records on the fourth or fifth 3
sets of 3 workout. sometimes we cycle on down to 1 set of three for two or
three workouts, other times we have an offloading week then start with the
five sets of five again. i proably left some things out, i always seem to.
however, although there are other programs that i am sure are effective, i
have used alot of leg training programs and this one i know works, i have
used this routine on probably over 100 athletes with success all around. it
is not unusual for an athlete to increase their leg strength 100lbs in the
full squat in the first six months i work with them. now i know of other
people who have tried this program on my recomendation in the track and
field world, and not have the success i have had. however they always make
the same mistakes, either starting on week one with max weights and not
taking a week or two or even three to work up to max weights, OR, they
start in on the 3 sets of 3 with too heavy a weight... you have to adjust
the volume. dont be in too much of a hurry. be content to set records on
week 3, not week 1. well thats about it, but if your patient and do it
right, it will be effective."....wow that was a mouthful ok, that is what i
was talking about, although in that post i didnt explain a couple of things
that i would like to now. as you see from reading that, were talking about
4-6 weeks basically of a prep phase, and 3-5 weeks of a peaking phase, so
its not really an 8 week program all the time. every time i write this
program out, its a bit different, thats because its not a set in stone
thing, but an example of a training philosophy... and it can and is altered
in the details for individuals. however, there is one important point
concerning what can be altered and still get the desired effects. during
the initial phase where 5 sets of 5 are used, you must stick to the written
workout frequency and volume. no matter what, do the required sets 3 times
a week. if you feel like your really dieing, then cut the weight back. but
in the initial portion, the volume and frequency shouldnt be messed with.
now, when you go to the sets of 3, you need to begin with the weight
specified, and go up each workout, and you should be fairly rested each
workout. that means that you MAY be able to squat 2 times a week at this
point, however you may need to squat once every 4 or 5 days, depends on the
individual. also, 3 sets of 3 is a good volume for the first week of this
phase, but often people react better to 2 or even one top set per workout
during the second, third, or 4th weeks of this phase. during this phase,
its the opposite of the first phase, the weight increases are the important
thing. take enough rest between workouts and cut the workout volume enough
to assure that you are recovered enough to raise the weight. hope this
clarifies a bit. the 3 day a week program i wrote was an example of a basic
3 day a week program for a relative beginner. i meant it to be done without
any other assistance work except maybe abs. of course, an advanced lifter
would probably not do that workout exactly as written. as far as
the "peaking" part of the squat program, i usually use this with shot-
putters and athletes like that, and dont neccessarily do it with a program
like the 3 day a week program, although if you were doing that and wanted
to "peak" a particular exercise, it would work. basically, if you are not
going to try to peak strength, you need to be more carefull when doing the
5 sets of 5 three days a weeek, and not get the weights up so heavy that
you start to overtrain... a more gradual increase in weighs is called for,
and you must use a little common sense and not push so hard you need
rest... when trying to peak you just push and keep pushing on the last
couple of weeks of the 5 by 5... you push right to the brink ov
overtraining basically, then back the volume and frequency off with the
sets of 3.
Matt's Notes:
Well, I think the 5 x 5 I listed will increase mass more than anything I've
ever seen. However, it can absolutely keep you on the brink of
overtraining. If you do it correctly, you'll stay very in tune to your body
and learn when to back off the weight.
The volume needs to stay the same. Always get in your 5 sets for 5 reps.
I tell you what. Read my 5 x 5 article very closly, and with it read the 8
weeks squat program which can go right along with it.
You understand you'll be squatting 3 times per week? It's hard as hell.
After reading it (and read it really close - understand it well), please
post questions about it and the squat program, maybe in a diff thread, and
then you can post your training journal in that thread.
I will start a new thread now and give you some tips that were given to me
by one of the world's greatest Strength and Conditioning Coaches, and the
guy who wrote the 5 x 5 (this version of it - correlating it to mass and
strength gains as opposed to football strength.) and the 8 week squat
I will say this. If you do it right, I hope you are ready to put on at
least 30 lbs of weight extremely quickly.
Earlier Question I asked to John...
Just wanted to check on the 8 week squat program as it lays out.
According to the individual mentioned, his best 5 set of 5 is 300 lbs and
his best set of 5 is 325: (We'll assume his best set of three is 350) (I
assume that you still do ample warm up for Mon and Wed.'s workout.)
Week 1: M-5 sets of 5 @ 285, W-5 sets of 5 @ 255, F-135x5, 185x5, 225x5,
275x5, 310x5.
Week 2: M-5 sets of 5 @ 295, W-5 sets of 5 @ 260, F-135x5, 185x5, 225x5,
275x5, 320x5.
Week 3: M-5 sets of 5 @ 310-PR!, W-5 sets of 5 @ 265, F-135x5, 185x5,
225x5, 275x5, 330x5-PR!.
Week 4: (if achieved both records on week 3) M-5 sets of 5 @ 320-PR!, W-5
sets of 5 at 270, F-135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 260x5, 300x5, 340x5-PR!.
Week 5: M-3 sets of 3 @ 320, TH-3 sets of 3 @ 330
Week 6: M-2 sets of 3 @ 340, TH-2 sets of 3 @ 350
Week 7: M-1 set of 3 @ 360-PR!, TH-1 set of 3 @ 370-PR!
Week 8: Deload
I believe this is close. I know you alter it each time, but just making
sure I got the general idea ok.
This was his response...
thats the general idea. just remember that when doin the 5 ses of 5, do the
required volume and frequency... even if you have to lower the weight and
even if you have to go 5-6 weeks to make a PR. on the sets of 3, go up in
weight each w3orkout, even if you have to take 4-5 days between workouts.
as soon as you start the sets of 3, let your body be your guide as to how
long to take between workouts, try to be pretty well recovered and feeling
food for each one.
i meant it to be done without any other assistance work except maybe abs.
of course, an advanced lifter would probably not do that workout exactly as
Note from AnimalMass....
Back to John...
basically, if you are not going to try to peak strength, you need to be
more carefull when doing the 5 sets of 5 three days a week, and not get the
weights up so heavy that you start to overtrain... a more gradual increase
in weighs is called for, and you must use a little common sense and not
push so hard you need rest... when trying to peak you just push and keep
pushing on the last couple of weeks of the 5 by 5... you push right to the
brink of overtraining basically, then back the volume and frequency off
with the sets of 3.
Matt's notes:
(BTW, one thing I think I would change, is to do flat bench on Monday, and
Incline of Friday.)
Bench on Monday should also be close grip, elbows in (next to your body.)
Then Friday, Incline Bench, Nice and wide, elbows out - hit those pecs.
Run the 5x5 for 6 weeks, then go to the 3x3.
Squats should be box squats (or at least sit your ass back, and get your
feet wide) on monday and friday, and front squats or olympic squats on
Do real rows from the floor for each rep (return weight to floor each rep).
When you drop to the 3x3 for the other exercises (other than squats), I
would do one final set close to failure with about 10-12 reps. (I just
found it works better).
Of course make sure you really warm-up properly for all exercises.
For Biceps, just do them in a progressive overload type style, stick with
the basics, like 5-6 sets total (barbell curls, dumbell curls, and hammer
curls) Keep them in the 8-12 rep range for growth - no one needs strong
biceps for any sport.
For triceps, mix it up: dips are probably really good, - also Westside type
assistance for triceps is better than anything. (Rolling dumbell
extensions, elbows out extensions, skull crushers, even some heavy rack
lockouts or 5 board band press following the bench work on Monday and
Ok, that's about all I can think of.