MeatHead57 said:
Hi im almost 15 iv been working out since i was 10. Can you tell me if my work out and bulking plan is good iv gained 10 pounds in a month. Its mostly all muscle i have started to notice so fat around my muscles but not to bad.
Well, first of all, let me congratulate you for even caring at your age. I know most of us feel like if we knew at 14, what we know now, we would be world champions our in sport.
The most important thing you can do at this age, is learn! Educate yourself all you can about how to train, how to eat, take anatomy and physiology clases at school, etc.
MeatHead57 said:
monday,wensday,saturday -chest- bench 2 sets 8-10 reps,close grip bench 2 sets 8-10, Incline dumbell flys 3sets 6-8, regular dumbell flys/ Triceps- tricep press 1 set 8-10, tricep kick back-2 sets 8-10, cable press-2 sets 8-10/ Shoulders- lateral shoulder raise 2 sets 6-8, front shoulder raise 2 sets 6-8, rear deltoid press-2 sets 6-8, Shoulder press 2 sets 6-8
Thursday and sunday-Off
Tuesday,friday-Biceps-pull ups as many as i can do, dumbell curls 4 sets 8-10,Hammer curls 4 sets 8-10, Pull ups as many as i can dish out/ forearms-forearm press 2 sets 8-10, hang off of a chin up bar for 2min, forearm twist 2 sets 8-10/ back- Back extinsion 2 sets 15-20, lat rows 2 sets 8-10, pullovers 1 set 8-10, lat pull down 1 set 10-12/ legs- 2 sets leg press 6-8, calv raises 1 set 15-20, squats 2 sets 8-10 then 6-8,
I do 30 min of abs everyday.
OK, I'll be honest here...your workouts suck. Now, your 14, so basically anything you do, you'll grow like a weed, because you have so much testosterone in your system right now, as well as being a relative beginner in the weight room.
I will address the training issue in a much larger post a bit later, but for now, here are the serious problems...
you do 10 sets per week for lower body/ legs. you do exactly 100 sets for upper body per week. (I counted.) Do you see a serious imbalance here?
Also, you are working the same body parts wayyy too much in the wrong way, but don't worry - we'll get you fixed up with the training a bit later.
Also, 30 min of abs everyday!!!!! For Christ sakes, I know you aren't working those for strength or any weight at all, because you wouldn't be able to walk or even take a shit if you did that.
Abs are great to work out. But do them heavy, and not everyday (maybe 3-4 times per week.) - And not 30 minutes - 5 sets or so, and you're done.
MeatHead57 said:
My eatin plan consists of this-
Wake up @ 5:15- breakfast- 3 eggs, 2 slices wheat toast,honey,some kind of fruit=480 cals
Midmorning snack-Then at 9:30 i eat a zone preotein bar( allergic to milk)= 210 cals.
12:15-Lunch- 2 sandwichs a turkey on wheat, peanutbutter and honey on wheat, 1 apple= 500cals
3:00-midday snack- either 1 can of tuna or a peanutbutter sandwhich, and some kinda of fruit
4;00- abs
6:00 -Dinner- some kind of meat,potatoes, salad and friut= 500 cals.
7:00 -work out
8:15- protein shake- water,soy 95 powder, banana, mixed berries,egg,ice
9:30- Bed
So thats my day i hope u can tell me if its good or bad? thanx alot
OK, you're eating pretty clean. And I understand that since you were chubby in Junior High, that you may not want to eat everything you can get your hands on. But I promise you were chubby in junior high because you hadn't hit puberty yet. Now you have, and I guarantee you can eat anything you want as longas you are hitting it hard in the weight room, and you aren't going to get fat.
The age you are at right now, is where you will grow like no other time in your life. Take advantage of it by eating everything in sight.
One major issue you are going to have to deal with is being allergic to milk. Most of us swaer by milk and drink a minimum of 1 gallon per day.
You are going to have a hard time getting enough protein in your system to grow. Protein shakes and bars, and lots of meat (especially red meat) are your ticket. (One other note: drop the soy protein - it is estrogenic and total crap for a guy.) - They make lactose free whey protein, egg protein, etc. - find something like that and get rid of the soy.
Don't count calories or fat or carbs - just eat a ton of them. The only thing you need to count is protein: and get at least 1.5g of protein per pound of bodyweight. If you shoot for that, and continue eating 6-7 times per day, you'll grow.
Ok, more in a few minutes....