I would like to incorporate rest-pause training and isometrics with WSBarbell. With only having 3-4yrs experience, I need serious help! What do you monsters think of this set-up???
Day 1
Speed Bench
Shoulders(high tension movements-standard reps)
Day 2
Speed Squat
Speed D/L
Optional hams(standard reps)
Lower Back/Abs(rest-pause)
Day 3
Max Effort Bench(rest-pause)
Compound Accessory(rest-pause)
Triceps(standard reps)
Back(standard reps)
Compound Shoulders(rest-pause)
Day 4
Max Effort Lower Body(rest-pause)
Compound Accessory(rest-pause)
Hams(standard reps)
Lower Back/Abs(rest-pause)
Oh, and I'd like to add some static-holds(how often and how many)?
Thank You!
I only total 1085raw, is this too much volume???
Day 1
Speed Bench
Shoulders(high tension movements-standard reps)
Day 2
Speed Squat
Speed D/L
Optional hams(standard reps)
Lower Back/Abs(rest-pause)
Day 3
Max Effort Bench(rest-pause)
Compound Accessory(rest-pause)
Triceps(standard reps)
Back(standard reps)
Compound Shoulders(rest-pause)
Day 4
Max Effort Lower Body(rest-pause)
Compound Accessory(rest-pause)
Hams(standard reps)
Lower Back/Abs(rest-pause)
Oh, and I'd like to add some static-holds(how often and how many)?
Thank You!
I only total 1085raw, is this too much volume???
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