I'm not sure I'd go w/ a 1-pt skinfold. Then it may just be its own type of measure, i.e. even though you are using the calipers, maybe that 1 pt isn't going to provide an equivalent result to a multi-pt measure. Then I guess as long as the 1 pt measure is consistent - track it for the relative changes over time.
The thing w/ calipers - its interesting because I also see more gyms only using a tanita scale & I've actually had to show the trainers who to do a skinfold measure to get my bf done - but when you talk to bodybuilders and other people about what is your bodyfat, they still generally speak in terms of the calipers. Then when you get into the discussion w/ tanita measures, everyone starts up w/ this "NO WAY YOU ARE THAT MUCH....", etc.