"I just remember him telling me to stay over my big toe...to roll straight up, rather than that pronated thing I do when I get tired."
That's pretty much what I still tell clients. If you stay over the big toe, you'll feel a little more in the LGAST.
Tesch's MRI studies (Target Bodybuilding, 1999) showed more LGAST involvement with the toes in, and considerably more SOL and MGAST involvement with the toes out.
Lately we've been doing more calf work on the hack squat machine. Incredible stretch, range of motion and burn. It really cooks the entire calf.
I've also been doing a circuit routine with my clients for change of pace. We do a set to failure (about 12 - 20 reps per set) on the hack, then seated, then leg press, then donkey, rotate through for 3 sets each non-stop (total of 12 sets). Takes all of 15- 20 minutes to get 5 people through heavy calves. Their calves are sore for up to a week.