Bolded: Ummm NO I was talking Pearl Harbor you Tard! We had not made any attacks prior to that. Sittting back and not making a stance cost us Pearl Harbor.
You claim I helped make your point? WTF? You said we shouldn't do anything unless we are attacked. I said sitting back and doing nothing costs America.
You think Isolationism will keep America safe. You think that the fundamental idea of hating Western culture is going to just go the fuck away? Your not only naive, but your out of touch with the resolve of Radical Islam. When we are out of Iraq and Afghanistan there will still be terrorist bombings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Europe, Turkey, Israel, ect. WHY? Because no matter what there will be a faction of people that hate What Western Culture stands for. They will hate the fact that women have rights, they will hate Christianity they will hate Jewdaism.