If you have the experience and the ancillary drugs to run this then why not?
Personally for bulking I would swap out the Masteron for Deca and then I have the old school bulking trifecta that is Test + deca + Dbol.... There is no such synergy for bulking with Masteron... Okay if you don't like Deca then use EQ, but not Masteron for bulking maybe not the best... You can do it, but maybe not the best.
Below I'm going to link every podcast episode on the compounds we discussed here man:
Sorry man but I hate that layout. Especially 60mg of dbol per day. That is twice what you need. And masteron has no place in that cycle. Not to mention why mix 2 esters like that? Keep it simple and just run 400mg each of deca and test. Start with 30mg dbol per day for 4 weeks.