some people suggest bridging with primo 100-200cc per week but my question is...
while you are bridging are you supposed to use clomid----for example im currently using eq, fina, aratest, and winny---two weeks after my last injection i was going to use clomid---if i know decide to bridge with primo untill my next cycle, do i still do i still use clomid two weeks after my last injection before bridging? another soon after my last injection do i begin "my bridge"?
thanks in advance...
while you are bridging are you supposed to use clomid----for example im currently using eq, fina, aratest, and winny---two weeks after my last injection i was going to use clomid---if i know decide to bridge with primo untill my next cycle, do i still do i still use clomid two weeks after my last injection before bridging? another soon after my last injection do i begin "my bridge"?
thanks in advance...