I wrote the following on the AAS board like a month ago...probably forgot a few, but like I stated in the thread, I was bored and just wrote it up in like 5 minutes

I'm bored so I thought i'd throw out some stuff that may help during the flu/cold season that we are currently in the middle of. Here is a list of supplements, etc, that I have compiled from over the years from different members and boards.
1.) Get enough Sleep and Rest.
2.) Wash your hands frequently.
3.) Get proper nutrients of food for nourishment and repair.
4.) Get a yearly flu shot.
5.) 1-2 gallons H20 per day.
6.) Go to MD and find out if sickness is Viral or a bacterial infection.
Supplements: (In no particular order)
1.) Black Elderberry (Sambucal)
2.) r-ALA
3.) Olive Leaf Extract
4.) Arabinogalactin (Larch Leaf Ectract)
5.) Astralagus
6.) Beta Glucans
7.) Grapeseed Extract (OPC)
8.) EQuipoise (EPO is best)
9.) Zinc
10.) Vit E and C
11.) Multi-Vitamin
12.) Folic Acid
13.) Glutamine
14.) Whey protein
15.) Green Tea Extract
16.) Airborne
For dosing of most of the herbal extracts, be sure to find a quality company with the highest standardized amount possible. Also, for dosing, most will have directions on the bottle of how to take. There will usually be a low-high range (ex...3-5 caps/pills, 2x/d, etc) of dosing stated on the bottle. For the most part, dosing for PREVENTATIVE measures, you can follow the recommended dosages, and probably at the low end of dosing. For CURATIVE measures, take the high end of dosing, and for some, upping it to 2-3 times that amount, 'may' be beneficial for recovery.
Give it a try and let us know how it worked for you