I ICULUKIN Guest Jul 25, 2002 #5 You might want to hit traps a little bit harder. Your shoulders look like they are bigger and that makes your traps look....sorry. The rest of your back looks fine, in my eyes your traps need to be higher up your neck, just my .2cents
You might want to hit traps a little bit harder. Your shoulders look like they are bigger and that makes your traps look....sorry. The rest of your back looks fine, in my eyes your traps need to be higher up your neck, just my .2cents
R revexrevex Guest Jul 25, 2002 #6 thanks for constructive criticism Yea they look pathetic from back especially when I spread lats. My trap routine is like this Shrugs -------- 135 x 25 (from all angles) 225 x 10 255 x 10 275 x 8 315 x 4 (with a bit of leg drive) Anything else i can do?
thanks for constructive criticism Yea they look pathetic from back especially when I spread lats. My trap routine is like this Shrugs -------- 135 x 25 (from all angles) 225 x 10 255 x 10 275 x 8 315 x 4 (with a bit of leg drive) Anything else i can do?
VooDoo Lady New member Jul 25, 2002 #7 You have the most peculiar expressions on your face. Nice progress.
R revexrevex Guest Jul 25, 2002 #8 thats what flexing does to you lol... I am relaxed in last few pics so it looks normal. Thanks
crimson coal New member Jul 26, 2002 #10 Looks like you will have some nice wings if you keep working your back hard. Keep pushin!