Has anyone ever worked out on a bodysolid linear BEARING smith gym? After all accessories I'm looking at about $2100, so I wanted some input on quality. Thanks
I don't know what a bodysolid linear BEARING smith gym is. But, for 2100 bucks you can buy used barbells, a couple bars, a bench, plenty of plates, build a cage, and not have to say that you use a bodysolid linear BEARING smith gym.
Don't get me wrong, Body Solid produces very nice equipment. For a cheaper price, you can purchase a power rack and an adjustable bench. You can also purchase an olympic set for a really good price. You can do all of this for $800 if you spend your money correctly. Believe me, you will be able to perform all of your core exercises with this equipment.
Thanks Thai-already have that. Louden, I've got a power rack but it uses bushings and just feels like shit compared to commercial equipment. Just thinking about upgrading.
Go to E-Bay and make a few bids you an get great prices especially when you get an auction right at the end.They also usually have by now option just do a search for weights or whatever your lookin for