This subject nees to be a sticky, becuse everyone wonders about it and then people say you should take a blood pressure medicine, when you shouldnt. Blood pressure medication should only be taken when you have a normal blood pressure that is high, what I mean is, when you are not on AS. In order for me to explain this you have to understand what is making your BP most cases with AS it is fluid retention. You take juice and your body has a tendency to not rid itself of excess fluid like it normally would so what do? get rid of the excess fluid for it. Your body has baroreceptors in your arteries and when you take on excess fluid it sends a message to your brain which then sends a message back to your heart and tells it to pump harder and faster. Obviously unless you get rid of some of the fluid, your heart has no where to pump the extra volume so eventually it starts to enlarge and wear down, hence the reason you hear about so many bodybuilders saying they got a chest x-ray and their heart borders where enlarged. Anyways, you need to take a diuretic to rid your body of the excess volume. You need a diuretic that is potassium sparing such as Aldactone (spironolatctone). Lasix is a good drug when used in the right setting such as a hospital. Several bodybuilders use Lasix, but it is easy to get your electrolytes all fucked up if you dont know what you are doing. Aldactone is somewhat of an androgen blocker, but IMO not enough that it would effect your cycle much. The problem with blood pressure medications is when you sleep at night your BP is going to lower signifigantly and if you have this drug lowering you down even more you are going to be in trouble quick and probably not even know it. Like I have posted before.................this is pretty much common knowldge for someone that works in a hospital. PM me if I can help you any further. would be wise to get a baseline set of vitals when you are not on a cycle, this way you would know what your normal BP, pulse, ect is and how far off you are when it elevates when you are on a cycle.