That, I couldn't tell you.
I had a look at the product you are currently taking but I don't know anything about it and BEANO is the only enzyme product I have heard of which supposedly controls gas from certain foods. But I couldn't say for sure if it would help in your case as I have never used it.
I had a second read-over of everything you have put here and
based on what you have said I would have to say that you are not lactose intolerant and that you do not have an enzyme deficiency.
If you were lactose intolerant then you would not be able to consume a whole pint of ice cream without experiencing any adverse affects. Your symptoms would be nausea, abdominal cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhea within 30 minutes to 2 hours of ingesting anything with lactose. These symptoms would occur each and every time. The more lactose you consume, the more severe the symptoms. The only exception would be if the product you consumed was low in lactose or contained a bacteria culture which aided your digestion.
Same for the enzyme deficiency and taking the pills. You have said that sometimes they work for a particular food but at other times they don't work for that same food. Assuming the foods are identical, you would expect the pills, if they worked, to produce the same effects all the time. If they don't, then you have to look for another cause of your symptoms.
So, based on what you have said and what you have experienced, I am going to take
a guess here and say that the cause of all your symptoms is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS has similar symptoms to lactose intolerance and can be triggered by certain foods (ie: milk, fatty foods, caffeine, etc.). However, people with IBS can eat foods one day without any problems but experience symptoms a few days later when they consume the same foods.
But,to rule out other possible causes for your condition (such as Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome), I would suggest that you follow through with what I suggested earlier with the blood work, stool samples, barium enima and the endoscopic examination.
KP--Fitness Basics