First thing to do is spend more time chewing your food to reduce the chances of swallowing more air with your meals.
The gas is the result of either sugars or polysaccharides (starches). The sugars will primarily be lactose, sorbitol and fructose. The lactose you can either reduce or take an enzyme (like you are doing) called lactase. The sorbitol is just a sweetener which you can find listed on the labels of foods. The fructose will mainly be from fruits but also some vegetables. So the sugars can be controlled somewhat by either enzymes or by adjusting your diet. Unfortunately, the starches as much harder to control for a bodybuilder as your foods are not going to be processed and will be from 'whole' sources' (ie: whole grains). The gas from these is because your body can't break down the starches fast enough before the food leaves the small intestine and eventually enters the colon. The only product I know of which may help you is called BEANO. Apart from that you are just going to have to get used to being alone.
KP--Fitness Basics