I had a horrible experience with depo years back. It is a very long and complicated story but if you really want to read it do a search at t-mag forums for "hormone hell" under my name "ironbabe." It was quite a few years ago but I believe they still have all those posts archived.
Pretty much the progesterone from the shot somehow went thru my liver and turned into an androgen and I quit producing estrogen. My voice lowered, my clit enlarged (slightly), and I put on a ton of muscle (not bad, but back then my body was freaking out so I could care less) and then tons of fat. I need to caraveat this by saying I have never used any AS so this was the only thing that could have started the virilization.
Long story short I had to go on hormone replacement therapy to stop the virilization (before the research came out saying how bad HRT is) and a couple of years later I did produce estrogen again and began menstrating again. I have a permanently lowered voice, but it's not gravelly and I still think it's sexy. The clit went back to normal. I was told it wouldn't, but it did. The doc told me it was good I already had kids since he didn't think I ever could conceive again. Luckily for me my fourth (and last) child was born May 2nd 2004. So I am through with what happened to me, but even though I had a rare side effect, I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I went through.
Oh, and, I only had two shots. Ever.
(oh, and "hi" I'm a lurker here
- Hope