Carb cycling is definitely the way to go...follow this guidline:
Carb Cycle
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - No carb days (eat all VERY lean meats like chicken breasts/tuna/turkey etc. and leafy greens...protein shakes should be made with water. Use skim milk on the other days days)
Tuesday and Saturday - High carb days (150g)
Thursday and Sunday - Low carb days (50-75g)
**Do not count your leafy greens as carbs because things like Spinach and Broccoli are considered "free food" in which you should be eating on a regular**
Protien: same everyday: Body Weight x 1.2 to 1.5 (to get a high and clean protein intake, a protein powder is NECESSARY along with an Amino Acids supplement to prevent muscle loss)
Fat: Same everyday: 50g (albeit good fats - Essential Fatty Acids/Fatty Fish/Lean Cuts of Steak/Nuts/Seeds/Avacados etc.)
You MUST lift heavy and hard in the gym to keep the muscles you've got...concentrate on Compound Lifts (Squats/Deadlifts/Bench/Dips/Overhead Presses/Pullups/Rows). If you lift heavy enough, you will not have to do isolation exercises (i.e. curls/tris etc) because the compound lifts will recruit enough muscle fibers to set the foundation starting out. After a couple months it would be ok to supplement in some isos. On the High Carb days, coordinate it with lifting your weakest body part (my guess is your legs) as you will be highly anabolic. Do cardio 2-3 times per week on any carb day, it won't matter until you get into single digit body fat where it tends to get stubborn.
That is how I personally started cutting and I actually put on muscle all the while losing roughly 25 lbs of pure fat. I'm currently at 9% body fat at 6' 1" 210 lbs and my goal is 6% BF...believe me you will make fast steady gains with this routine.
Remember: LIFT HARD AND HEAVY AS HELL IN THE GYM and you CANNOT fail with this!