If you really want to get a badass pump in your calves try this as your last set.....put some relatively light weight on the rack/machine.....do as many as possible, then wait for ten seconds then do as many as you can again....keep repeating this untill you get to 100 reps.....trust me, that will kick you ass!!!!!
sounds stupid, but for me the only thing that works is jumping... i just jump and jump and jump... all calf exercises to is hurt my feet... this method was taught to me by a basketball player/long jumper who has never used weight on his calves and has the most AMAZING calves i've ever seen...
but then again calves are truly one of those 'genetic' things... my calves have grown a little from this, but usually i just get sore and can't walk properly the next day
This isn't nescessarily lifiting but something that has really made the muscles pop out of my calves and legs in general is using a stationary bicycle with heavy resistance in short intervals. When I really push my self my legs are as sore the next day as they woould have been if I did a heavy leg workout. If you go to a gym and look at the calves of people who consistently push themselves on the bikes they usually have some pretty big and cut calves and legs. Just my $.02.
I've had a lot of success with doing 45 degree calf raises with relatively heavy weight, but doing each rep very slow and controlled and concentrating on full ROM. I do 2 sets, one on 45 degree machine and another calf exersice (I change it up a lot), 2-3 times a week. I also do each set to concentric muscular failure.
The bodybuilder Boyer Coe did something similar to that except it was the reverse. He nailed a short piece of wood across the front of his sandals at the balls of his feet so that the toes were raised higher than the heals and walked in them. If you think about it, it forces you to move the foot through a bigger ROM than standard shoes...