So now I don't have a long enough stroke? I try to oblige everyone, of course, but I don't know what I can do about my depth of chest and length of arm. I guess I can lose a shitload of weight, quit training my back and have radical arm lengthening surgery so my bench stroke is long enough for my meager benches to be impressive. Fuck me!
Thank you very much to everyone for the congrats. I do appreciate it. It was a bittersweet day, only got my opener, and got as close as you see in the photograph to locking out 525, which would have been a huge PR. Just could not get the right arm to finish that last inch or so, that pic was snapped as close to lockout as I could get, you be the judge of how close it came, seemed awful close to completion to me.
I will let others tell their stories as they see this, but bigokie will get his shirt dialed in soon and then, look out, Hannibal benched 425 in his very first meet (impressive) and Screwball smoked a 450 like it was an empty bar.
We met and made some great new friends, including one who is in the pic spotting at rear, he can claim the photo if he chooses, and caught up with some old friends, also seen in the photo.
And VDOP, you may be right about the elbows, there was some whacky stuff seen at this meet, but I am proud to say, all my crew (feeling fatherly at the moment) performed lifts that would have passed in any org we lift in.
(this meet became unsanctioned, literally at the 11th hour, saving us some entry fee $, and allowing some weird stuff to happen for our entertainment purposes.)