Island Son said:<delurk>
Seems unrealistic. I can't see why your body would one day decide to build 100% muscle, no fat just because you will it to. By exercise you trying to burn energy while building muscle, so that the overall balance is tilted towards a higher muscle ratio.
AFAIK when you exercise you also breakdown and lose muscle. Staying absolutely ripped means in all likelihood having a slight calorie deficit, so you're slowly losing weight. Even if you eat the "perfect" amount of calories, your body is still trying to create fat (hey, even cholesterol is an important substance in the body). The rationale is to eat enought to get muscle gain close to 100% while enduring the inevitable fat gain as well. I don't count to the last calorie eaten and walked off, or if I've been walking 5 minutes longer so I don't know the perfect number every day.
Personally I don't overeat or count calories, so I'm quite happy with my moderate muscle gain of 15 lbs last year (roughly 13 lean, 2 fat). I'm sure if I didn't skip meals and then did more cardio at the end of the year, it'd be higher.
The problem is that you think that body is static. It is not, it has its own ratios and needs.
If you train correctly, you will grow. Period.
Your body can repartition itself to spend less energy on something else and spend more energy on building muscle.
Clenbuterol is such repartion agent. WHen you use it you loose fat and gain muscle (atleast in animals. Some bodybuilders think that they are animals too so they inject it into themselves... But lets stay on topic ok? )
hey did you scare the bejesus out of your whole system on leg day?
I did, did you?
After your body is shocked , guess what... IT will grow, and the amount of calories, protein , blah blah is secondary or not that important at all!
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