I added 2 more sets of Dumbbell Rows... I think I need MORE for my back... and I cut out 2 sets on the machine stuff to equalize it.
Barbell Row -- Warmup Bar, 135x10
225x10, 275x8, 295x6, 315x4 -- Felt weak on these today, thought my shit was going suck the rest of the workout.
Deadlifts -- Warmup 135x10
225x10, 275x10, 315x8, 375x6, 405x4, 415x2 -- that is the most I've done 415 before... hopefully, I'll be doing my max of 430lbs for a few reps... once I can do that, I'm going to go for a 1rm max... maybe in a few weeks... I hope to get in the upper 400's
Dumbbell rows 2 sets of 6 115lbs
High-Face Pulls 2 sets of 25 reps
Cable Rows Stack 2 sets
I did some of those NECK exercises, with a 25lbs plate lifting it up and down... I need a good neck exercise... I'll make another post about this
then 2 sets db curls, 2 sets of hammer curls for 25 reps for a higher rep workout.
Barbell Row -- Warmup Bar, 135x10
225x10, 275x8, 295x6, 315x4 -- Felt weak on these today, thought my shit was going suck the rest of the workout.
Deadlifts -- Warmup 135x10
225x10, 275x10, 315x8, 375x6, 405x4, 415x2 -- that is the most I've done 415 before... hopefully, I'll be doing my max of 430lbs for a few reps... once I can do that, I'm going to go for a 1rm max... maybe in a few weeks... I hope to get in the upper 400's
Dumbbell rows 2 sets of 6 115lbs
High-Face Pulls 2 sets of 25 reps
Cable Rows Stack 2 sets
I did some of those NECK exercises, with a 25lbs plate lifting it up and down... I need a good neck exercise... I'll make another post about this
then 2 sets db curls, 2 sets of hammer curls for 25 reps for a higher rep workout.