I will have to look that one up, as I am wholly ignorant regarding most bodybuilding terminology. 
How about this idea = the regular posters compiling a book(with glossary) "Women's Bodybuilding For Dummies"?
By the way, this is a small victory, but a victory nonetheless - I went out to eat with my fiancee last night and ate filet mignon, BREAD, soup, wine, and DESSERT.
May sound stupid, but for me it's quite an accomplishment.
And I didn't feel guilty, because I feel like I'm busting my ass to be able to "afford' it.
It felt great.

How about this idea = the regular posters compiling a book(with glossary) "Women's Bodybuilding For Dummies"?
By the way, this is a small victory, but a victory nonetheless - I went out to eat with my fiancee last night and ate filet mignon, BREAD, soup, wine, and DESSERT.
May sound stupid, but for me it's quite an accomplishment.
And I didn't feel guilty, because I feel like I'm busting my ass to be able to "afford' it.
It felt great.